Cosplay and Props
As a hobby I 3D model, 3D print and create costumes for Cosplayers, Collectors and gamers. Below are some examples I created for both commissions and myself.
Halo Recon Armor
I 3D modeled everything I am wearing in this image. Most is made of EVA foam and hard plastic. The weapon was 3D printed plastic, sanded and painted to look jsut like it does in the Halo game.
The under suit is a wet dive suit with Silicon body armor I created by 3D printing molds out of plastic and then used black tinted silicon.
Fallout 4 Helmet
Modeled this for a client that has since 3D printed it. All done from scratch with reference art only. Modeled and export in 3DS MAX.
As a hobby I make costumes and props from my favorite video games. The image below shows two full suits Halo armor I created. Both the armor and the helmets I modeled in 3D before fabricating them. The person holding the gun is Issac Hannaford who worked on Halo Reach, he really like my work and wanted a picture with us.
Overwatch Costume
Modeled, 3D printed and fully finished a complete Mercy character for my oldest daughter from Overwatch cosplay.